Want to make a good first impression on your potential customers? A well-designed logo is a major contributor to how you are perceived by your target audience. It conveys your values, tells your story and even bolsters trust when done well.
If your logo falls short, you may find yourself at a massive disadvantage and it could even result in business lost to the competition.
Whatever your business model and goals, here are a few of the key elements a remarkably designed logo incorporates that all companies should follow;
A good logo is timeless
When it comes to logo design, following trends and fads can be the kiss of death. Whatever the logo, it should have a long shelf life. Though it may evolve over time, and evolution is inevitable, the longer the core elements of a logo stays, the better the recognition you will gain over time. Logos we all instantly recognise have a sense of timelessness, such as Coca-Cola or Rolex.
A simple design is vital
Complicated logos are difficult to print and often are so overwhelming they do not engage with your audience. When you look at big brands like Apple, Google, Instagram, Volkswagen etc. they all have one thing in common — simple and easily recognisable logos.
Scalability is a must
All logos should be visible and easily recognised, whether on a billboard 75 metres away or a business card 30 millimetres away. Your logo should also work well on all types of collateral, including stationery (letterhead, business cards, notepads) as well as other marketing materials, like branded clothing and banner stands.
An effective logo is flexible
Whichever brand colours you choose, your logo should work well in colour or black and white, on a dark background, a light background and even a multi-coloured background (think image overlay) and be clearly visible on all marketing materials.
The best logos are unique
Why fit in when you can stand out? Does your current logo distinguish itself from your competitors, or is it predictable and bland? With so many fonts, icons, colours and an infinite flow of design ideas to choose from, there’s really no reason your logo can’t (and shouldn’t) be unique. The quickest way to appear sub-par to your target market is by using a logo that looks like everyone else’s and uses second rate cliches like clip art pinwheels.
Use fonts that reflect your brand identity
What is it you are trying to communicate as an organisation? Different typefaces convey different messages. For example, using serif fonts can portray a sense of dignity and power whereas sans serif can appear whimsy or stable, depending on the characters of the face. So, before you decide on your logo typography, make sure you know what impression you are trying to get across. Typography is a craft in itself and creates the voice of who you are.
Great logos have meaning
The best brands around the globe are not well-known because of their logo, they are well-known because of the people and vision behind their logo. This is why it’s essential to ensure you have a clearly defined brand identity before solidifying the design of the logo itself.