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Home Energy Scotland
Home Energy Scotland are a network of local advice centres covering all of Scotland who offer free, impartial advice on energy saving, keeping warm at home, renewable energy, greener travel, cutting water waste and more.

Home Energy were looking to increase their brand awareness and drive users to take action on specific pages of their website with the goal of converting visitors into leads. The audience needed to be within a specific geography and they wanted data based on home owners versus renters to see which audience was more engaged. They also wanted to split-test messages and imagery to see which would be most effective.
teclan built and launched awareness display campaigns to the target geographies through Google using Home Energy branded imagery to help raise awareness and drive more traffic to the chosen webpages. Google Search was used to help drive action for specific search terms around the cost of energy.
Not only did Home Energy see a great cost per impression coming through from the campaigns, but they also had a large increase in action being taken on their website and the number of leads pulling through to their business. The data they received back provided great insight into whether home owners or renters were more engaged and what messaging worked better.