News and Blog
Why Businesses Must Switch To Google Analytics 4 ASAP
: : : In the rapidly evolving world of marketing, harnessing the power of analytics is paramount for businesses seeking to thrive online. Google Analytics
Do I Need A Web Design Agency?
As more businesses move online, the need for a strong and reliable website becomes increasingly important. A well-designed website can help establish credibility, increase brand
A Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing
Looking to level up your content marketing game? Look no further than our beginner’s guide to content marketing! This comprehensive resource covers everything you need to know to create purposeful content that drives traffic, engagement, and conversions. From social media post optimisation to search engine optimisation and content calendar creation, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to take your content marketing strategy to the next level and achieve your business goals.
PPC Trends To Look Out For In 2023
Online marketing is constantly evolving, and it is important that businesses stay on top of trends so as not to fall behind within the digital
Team teclan Learn About the Future of Ecommerce Websites at Aero Partner Day
In October, our web development team made the journey to Leeds to attend the first-ever Aero Commerce Partner Day. It was a great day filled
teclan Announces Expansion to Public Relations Services Following CIPR Qualification
Helen Mackenzie achieves Professional Certificate from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations. Local Marketing and PR agency teclan is pleased to announce the addition of
What is brand positioning and why should it matter to you?
Put simply, the space that you hold in the mind of your customers and what sets you apart from your competitors is your brand position. Apart from basic branding tools like your tagline or colour palette and typography, brand positioning covers how people think and feel about your brand.
Branding foundations: building a consistent brand that sells
About this event Are you losing out to the competition, or seeing a drop in sales? Your brand could be to blame… In this half-day
Million Steps for Mikey’s Line 2022
Million Steps For Mikeysline 2022 The past few years have been tough, with many people travelling as little as possible, to limit the spread of