As well as the usual bug fixes and patches the latest version of Aero Core adds some new features such as logging for Buy X Discount Tier Report (which brings a new report available under the reports tab), additional support for volume units as well as being able to convert between units, and setting definitions have now been given un upgrade to allow use on Location, Page and Shipping Methods. Setting Definitions can be used to create new input fields on pages to allow custom options usable in the admin panel, giving a greater degree of flexability on what the platform does for businesses with specific use cases. So for example you can add an additional text input box for a product where you may need to store more information against products or add a toggle to enable or disable an option.

Other Note Worthy Updates
- The aerocargo/duplicate-products now allows an option to automatically mark duplicated products as inactive allowing you to create copies of products without them showing on the front end.
- Upsells can now be imported via the CSV module.
- aerocargo/product-reviews now shows which product a review belongs to in the admin list.